Welcome to the Course

Welcome to the course on Account Management Fundamentals.pdf

Welcome to the course on Account Management Fundamentals.

"everything about managing successful relationships"

What we're going to look to do in this course is to teach you, who's new to the business of Supplyant, everything about managing successful relationships with your clients and making it,

  1. a profitable experience for them (the client)
  2. for yourself
  3. and also for the company

"a consistent way of learning to be successful"

The purpose of this course is to document and procedurise the process of account management so that we can ensure that you've gone through a consistent way of learning, which is the same as your peer group, so that everybody has a fair and reasonable opportunity to be successful in doing this particular job.

"equip yourself with really good skillsets"

You know, one of the things about account management is it's seen as a task, which is hard work, managing clients and managing the paper around them, which can just seem like a drag sometimes. But the truth is, if you can equip yourself with really good skillsets, then you can find that this job is THE most rewarding job that you can have in the business.

"develop and thrive through the hard work you put in"

You'll get a chance to speak to clients that are happy and really thankful for the things that you do for them. You get a chance to work with your colleagues and get the best from them, and they enjoy being around you and working with you, and you get the best from the company as you see it develop and thrive through the hard work that you put into it.

So a big, warm welcome from me and the whole team as you go on this journey through this course. Let's get cracking on module one.

I'll see you in the next lesson!

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